This is really the last month this year for a chance to witness Saturn and it’s breathtaking rings and inspiring moons. As this month progresses Saturn is setting earlier each night and it will eventually be lost in the glare of the Sun.
The image above shows Saturn on the night of July 10th 2011 at 9pm. Saturn is the medium/bright “star” in the SW at about 37 degress high. Far above Saturn shines the brightest star in the sky this night – Arcturus. To Saturns left is the bright start Spica and to the left of that is the Moon.
I’ll be setting up my telescope tonight in Grant Park near Caltech in Pasadena as a treat to some of my park friends. Anyone is welcome. I’ll be setup at around 8pm (although it won’t really be dark until 8:30pm or later). I’ll be there until about 9:30pm.