Animated GIF showing the Moons shadow crossing the earth during the partial solar eclipse on Oct 23rd 2014.

I love this animated GIF produced by NASA. It really makes it clear to me how the shadow of the moon falls across the earth during the eclipse.

Animated GIF showing the partial eclipse

During the late afternoon of Oct. 23, 2014, a partial solar eclipse will be visible from much of North America before sundown. However, it is never safe to look at the sun with the naked eye.
Image Credit: NASA/Sinclair

How to safely view the partial eclipse on Thursday October 23rd

When the moon begins it’s partial eclipse of the sun tomorrow do not look directly at the sun even for a split second – even with sun-glasses. One safe way to look at the sun is if you have special eclipse glasses like these.

eclipse viewing glasses

Eclipse viewing glasses

Or… you can build a simple pin-hole camera

Or… check out the live broadcast of the eclipse from Griffith Observatory

Partial Eclipse Phases

Partial Eclipse – Streamed live from the Griffith Observatory

Monday Night Total Eclipse of the Moon – Come to the Griffith Observatory to View – Open Until 2am Tuesday

Tomorrow night (Monday April 14th) there will be a SPECTACULAR opportunity to view the total lunar eclipse.  It’s visible just about everywhere in North America – and we have great viewing opportunities in So Cal.

Below is a photo I took at a lunar eclipse in 2011 from the Griffith Observatory.

Lunar Eclipse 2011 at the Griffith
Tomorrow the Griffith will be open until 2AM to allow the public to fully experience this event. I’ll be there too.

The eclipse won’t begin to be visible until about 10:30pm our time Monday night.. and it won’t be total until about 12am. The moon will take on a deep red tinge as the light from a million million sunsets from around the world converge on the moon.

More information here->
April’s Total Eclipse of the Moon | Sky & Telescope.

Earth Selfie Time!

The folks over at JPL have commanded the Cassini spacecraft currently orbiting Saturn to turn it’s cameras back towards the Earth today. From between 2:27 and 2:42pm PDT Cassini will be positioned behind Saturn… and the Earth will be positioned perfectly below the rings. Although the Earth will only be several pixels across it will still represent one of the iconic photos capturing our home in the cosmos.

Here is a video tour showing both the Saturn system – along with Cassini. At around the 59 second mark this shows approximately what Cassini will see when it takes our photo.

note: Original video provided by Southern Stars (makes of Sky Safari apps for iOS, Android and OSx). The video was slightly edited by LookUpTonight to include some additional text information during the video.

Further information on the event